Sixth Form Admissions



Your Academic Programme 

Fakenham Sixth Form offers a varied range of Level 3 courses and a Level 2 course.  Students studying at Level 3 are expected to follow three subjects and an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Students without a grade 4 in GCSE English or Maths are required to retake the GCSE in their first year at Sixth Form.

Pathway A

Students who achieve 5 or more 4-9 grades will complete 3 A Levels and an EPQ over two years. Alongside these students will also attend registration, Future Skills lessons and Enrichment. 

Pathway B

Students who achieve GCSE grades 2s or 3s will study the Level 2 Programme including Level 2 Technical Certificate in Business Enterprise (worth 2 GCSEs), GCSE English, GCSE Maths, Level 2 EPQ, one day a week work experience, Future Skills lessons, Enrichment and form time.

Level 3 qualifications will have 9 hours face to face teaching time per fortnight. The Level 2 qualification will have 12 hours and GCSE English and Maths resit classes have 5 hours.

When students are not in a lesson, they are expected to be studying independently in the Sixth Form. Some of these sessions will be supervised in the study room and marked as SPS (Supervised Private Study) on their timetables. Students must register for these lessons. Failure to do so will impact attendance.

Fakenham Academy & Sixth Form Admissions Form (September 2024)

Fakenham Sixth Form Enrolment Information Letter 2024



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