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British Values
British values are central to our school ethos at Fakenham Academy and are promoted not only through the curriculum and its content but also through every aspect of school life. We understand the vital role that we must play in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school community are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly or illegally influence them.
The government has defined core values as being:
- Democracy
- Individual liberty and freedom of speech
- The rule of law and equality of opportunity
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and the rights of all men and women to live free from persecution of any kind
We believe that it is the duty of every member of staff to support and promote these fundamental values which form part of our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy. This duty also falls under the current Teacher Standards Part Two: Personal and Professional Conduct.
In school we promote the importance of democracy through:
- The activity of the Year and School Councils, including pupils voting for their Class Representative and their Year Representative
- Visits to Parliament to develop pupils’ understanding of the democratic process
- Student Voice across all year groups
- Encouraging pupils to use their voice across the curriculum through collaborative working, responses to teacher feedback in books, careful questioning by staff, the work they produce and classroom dialogue
In school we promote the importance of individual liberty through:
- Focused Tutor Time activities that encourage discussion
- Providing pupils with safe boundaries within which to make informed choices e.g. the promotion of internet use alongside eSafety advice
- Providing a range of extra-curricular activities and clubs, including extended studies
- Empowering pupils to make informed choices about the course they will study at Key Stage 4 – Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Pathway interviews
- Providing a range of menu choices in the school canteen within healthy boundaries
In school we promote the importance of the rule of law through:
- Our Safeguarding Policy
- Our Equalities Policy
- Accountability and responsibility at all levels which is stressed to all stakeholders including staff, pupils and Governors
- Close liaison with outside agencies including Social Services and the Police
- Our Acceptable Use Policy and eSafety events which are used to promote the correct and safe use of the internet
- Assemblies with focused discussions in form time afterwards
In school we promote the importance of mutual respect through:
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- A curriculum which helps pupils to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs and so develops pupils’ ability to make informed decisions, be confident in their own identity and understand and respect those of others.
- Assemblies
- Digital TV
At Fakenham we do not believe that a diversity of faiths and beliefs is something to be tolerated but rather celebrated. We are emboldened and strengthened by our diversity. We promote the importance of learning and working together with those who have different faiths and beliefs through:
- Learning for Life, including Religious Education lessons.
- Form time activities.
- A zero-tolerance policy towards bullying with a range of strategies to deal with any issues
- A curriculum which helps pupils to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs and therefore develop pupils’ abilities to make informed decisions, form and be confident in their own identity, and understand and respect those of others
- Assemblies and RE lessons which celebrate and draw inspiration from festivals and teaching from a range of different faiths