Anti Bullying

What is bullying:

  • Goes on for a while, or happens regularly
  • Is deliberate. The other person wants to hurt, humiliate or harm the target
  • Involves one or several people who are stronger in some way than the person being bullied. The person doing the bullying has more power, they are older, stronger, more of them or they have a hold over the target.
  • These three things have to happen together for it to be called Bullying.

What does Fakenham Academy do about bullying?

  • We have an anti-bullying policy which outlines how to deal with bullying in school.
  • We teach students about bullying, what it is, the effect it has on those who are bullied, the reasons that people bully and what to do if they are bullied or see bullying going on.
  • We respond promptly when bullying issues are reported to us and do our best to support both the bully and the victim.
  • We have trained Peer mentors to be there for students to talk to during social times in the school day.
  • We help students understand what it feels like to be bullied and the effect it has on their lives. We teach them how to stand up to peer pressure from others, giving them support to manage problems they are facing in their own lives.

How can I tell if my child is being bullied?

Your child may not tell you that he or she is being bullied. However, you may notice some changes in his or her behaviour, including:

  • unwillingness to go to school
  • feeling unwell, often with a headache
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • aggression towards you or others in your family
  • bedwetting
  • Walking in the night
  • missing or damaged belongings

What should I do if my child is being bullied?

If you suspect your child is being bullied, don’t ignore it. Find a quiet time to talk to your child. Explain that bullying is unacceptable and that no one should have to put up with it. Promise to do all you can to stop it. Make an appointment to see your child’s Head of Key Stage as soon as possible.

Useful tips for the meeting:

  • Decide what you want to say and what you’d like to achieve from the meeting before you go.
  • Try to stay calm even though you may feel angry and emotional.
  • Don’t blame the member of staff – he or she may be unaware of the bullying.
  • Give specific examples of how your child is being bullied.
  • Discuss what action the Head of Key Stage will take.
  • Arrange to meet again within two weeks to discuss progress.

Read our Anti Bullying Policy here: Policy

Useful web links for information about bullying

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