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- Safeguarding
At Fakenham the welfare and safety of our students are paramount. We firmly believe that all young people have a right to be safe and healthy, and our everyday practices support this principle.
All of our staff are fully trained on a regular basis to identify when a young person may be in need of help. We have clear procedures that we all follow to ensure that any concerns are passed on and dealt with appropriately. In line with government policy, we have rigorous recruitment procedures for all staff. All visitors to the school are made aware of our procedures and are expected to follow them whilst they are on our site or working with our students.
In addition, all of our students are educated about how they can keep themselves safe and the responsibility that the school and its staff have in relation to safeguarding young people. Tutor time SMSC, Learning For Life lessons and Assemblies are the main ways that we communicate key messages about safeguarding, but there are lots of posters around the school in order to promote personal safety and to help students know what to do if they are concerned about themselves or someone else.
The school’s Designated Safeguard Lead is Miss M Heeley. She has a team around her. The team work closely together to ensure that the school’s procedures and practices are continually robust and in line with changes in government policy.
If you are concerned about the welfare and safety of a young person please contact the school and we will follow it up using the appropriate procedures.
- All Policies and our Safeguarding policy can be accessed from our policies page.
- For more information on E-Safety click here.
- For more information on Radicalisation click here.
- For more information on Well Being click here.
Further information:
http://www.disrespectnobody.co.uk/ |
https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/sex-activities-and-risk/ |
BBC Advice – Safer Sex |
FPA – Talking to your Children about Sex, Relationships & Growing Up |