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Students at Fakenham Academy have an equal opportunity and entitlement to an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum.
This is provided within the spirit of the national curriculum policy and guidance. Our belief is that all young people should experience excellence in the classroom and in public examinations, opportunities for extra-curricular activities and build strong links with the local community.
Fakenham Academy is committed to delivering a curriculum:
- Where end points are clearly defined.
- Which is planned and sequential.
- Which reflects the local context of the school and its pupils.
- Which addresses gaps in knowledge and understanding.
- Which powerfully addresses social disadvantage.
- Which strives to deliver excellence in teaching and learning.
- Which prepares its pupils for life in twenty first century Britain.
- Which enhances the cultural capital of its pupils, through promotion of the best that has been thought, said, created and achieved.
- Which promotes the contributions of pupils to the school and local community.
- Which promotes equality and diversity.
The intent embedded within our curriculum to improve the quality of education, the implementation of this intent through teaching and learning and the impact of this implementation upon outcomes is reviewed and developed on an ongoing basis throughout the academy.
All students will have an entitlement and access to national curriculum subjects along with religious education, social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) education, sex and relationships education and careers education, delivered through Learning for Life lessons, tutor time sessions and the wider curriculum.
Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education in whole or part. Alternative provision will be made according to the reasons for withdrawal. Parents and carers are invited to discuss the matter with the Academy and should contact the Principal in the first instance.
Sex and relationships education is taught in line with current legislation, forming part of the planned work across the curriculum. Parents and carers are reminded that they can withdraw their child from all or part of the sex and relationships education provided in the Academy, The only exceptions to this are the biological aspects of human growth and reproduction that are essential elements of the science national curriculum programme of study. Parents and carers are invited to discuss the matter with the Academy and should contact the Principal in the first instance.
As of September 2020, changes in statutory guidance mean that revised Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education will be embedded within the school curriculum.
Subject content, topic progression, time allocation, teaching and learning approaches and student groupings for each curriculum subject, reflect Fakenham Academy’s desire to achieve an outstanding quality of education which meets the needs of our local community and context. In Key Stage 3, students are taught in mixed ability bands in all subjects other than Mathematics which is set by ability. In Key Stage 4, students are taught in ability groups in Mathematics and in mixed ability classes in all other subjects.
An overview of what topics are taught in each subject and year (for Key Stages 3, 4 & 5) can always be found on our Curriculum Overview document
Year 7 Curriculum OverviewYear 8 Curriculum OverviewYear 9 Curriculum OverviewYear 10 Curriculum OverviewYear 11 Curriculum OverviewYear 12 Curriculum OverviewYear 13 Curriculum Overview
The Fakenham Academy Curriculum Guide is designed to support teachers but gives an insight into what we are working towards