@ActiveFakenham - 15th April 2024Fakenham River Sessions with Wensum Ospreys Canoe Club You're invited: River Sessions book via wensumospreys@gmail.comhttps://t.co/A4rD1wup4o
@Fakenhampesport - 13th April 2024We are excited for the summer term. Lots of amazing sports and opportunities to look forward to. We are starting back on week 1. #summersport#kind#ambition#determined@FakenhamAcademy
@ActiveFakenham - 13th April 2024Fakenham Easter Sunday Funday 2024 - record attendance 🥳Thank you to all who attended, raced, ran Toddled’n’Triked & a special thanks to everyone who helped make it happen & our amazing volunteersPhotos of each race available on the website now 👇https://t.co/B1fCyelijN pic.twitter.com/Y3IXTZ0jL6
@FakenhamAcademy - 8th April 2024Second week of #determined GCSE students attending revision sessions @FakenhamAcademy . Today it’s the turn of history revising Crime & Punishment. @Fakenhampesport later in the week as well as other subjects 👍@SapientiaTrust pic.twitter.com/3jJ91Xsvvr
@FakenhamCricket - 6th April 2024We are once again hosting an all stars programme at the club this summer! All stars programme posts a great introduction for those who are new to cricket aged 5-8 years old! Use the QR code to sign up your child! We look forward to seeing you this summer 🏏🏏 pic.twitter.com/axCMxTF2h6
@FakenhamAcademy - 29th March 2024Our March newsletter is packed with exciting events. Enjoy reading about our activities and achievements. https://t.co/9n1SZTb4tg